The Beginning!

Welcome to the new virtual home of the Lebanon Democratic Town Committee! This has been a longtime goal of the committee, and we want to thank Rebekkah Ziel for building this website for us and turning the dream into a reality.  Without her skills and her suggestions, we would still be at the discussion stage, talking about how we would want to fill this space if only we knew how to make it!

We envision this blog to be a source of information for the Lebanon community: to highlight  and celebrate the positive things happening in our town; to inform citizens about current events and relevant issues; and to suggest ways for people to become involved in the town and within the Democratic Party.

This is an exciting new step for us, and we invite you to join us on this adventure. Drop us an email, and let us know what you’d like to see in this space. And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, and share our news!


Arrowhead Fundraiser