2023 Wine Social

On June 4th the Lebanon Democratic Town Committee held its annual Wine fundraiser at Lebanon Green Vineyards. Though an unseasonably chilly afternoon, turnout was excellent, and the atmosphere was spirited, warm, and friendly throughout the afternoon. Well over 50 people gathered to enjoy good food, good beverages, and great conversation. The event was also an excellent opportunity to introduce and meet some of our candidates running for municipal office for the first time this fall. Our representative from State Central, Swaranjit Khalsa, or “Singh,” was also in attendance, sharing an upbeat, optimistic, and positive message that emphasized the importance of working together with others to problem solve and advance the well-being of our communities here in southeastern CT. Finally, an impressive delegation representing the Colchester Democratic Town Committee generously made the effort to show up on a Sunday afternoon in June in support of Lebanon’s Democrats. We extend to them a sincere and very special thanks!

All in all, the occasion was a wonderful kick off to our fall campaign! Thanks to everyone who contributed to making this event a resounding success!

* Note: if you are interested in running for municipal office, or if you would like to be notified of future events, you can contact us through Facebook, or sign up on our website (lebanonctdems.org) under “Stay in the Loop” to receive future news and updates from the Lebanon Democratic Town Committee!


Cathy Osten Update:


Cathy Osten Update: